
by j4cks0n247
See Code Download Embed

UPDATE 1.1 (3/29/2021)
*Added black and gray colors!
*Added simple or complex choice!

UPDATE 1.2 (4/5/2021)
*Press left arrow to stop!
*Added brown, chartreuse and olive colors!
*Added a secret! Try and find it...

UPDATE 1.21 (4/6/2021)
*Fixed some bugs
*New random color!
*New colorcluster complex color!

UPDATE 1.22 (4/7/2021)
*Bug fixes
*New lavender color!
*New saturation complex color!

UPDATE 1.3 (4/12/21)
*New cream and apricot colors!
*There are too many colors, so I separated them into shades!

UPDATE 1.4 COLORS (4/19/21)
*Some bug fixes
*New pink shade
*Biggest color update yet! Added sky, teal, navy, mint, maroon, plum, fuchsia, and jade!

UPDATE 1.41 (4/26/2021)
*Some bug fixes
*New silver color!

UPDATE 1.5 COMPLEX (6/29/2021)
*Renamed shades to "categories"
*New pistachio and avocado colors!
*More complex colors! darkrainbow, opacity, clusterbow, saturationbow and opacitybow!

UPDATE 1.51 (8/16/21)
*Added randombow complex color!
*Added slate color!

UPDATE 1.6 WEIRD (8/19/21)
*Added glitch complex color! (accidental but looks cool)
*New category, weird! Added weird colors size and sizebow!
*opacity and opacitybow are now in weird category.
*Fixed some bugs

Created March 29, 2021

Last updated August 31, 2021

Published March 29, 2021