Modern Art
Press the flag to start, then choose the options you want to see. Options: 1. Wobbly 45° rectangles (Random) 2. Rectangles with no overlap (Random) 3. Kinda looks like roads/paths (Random) 4. Map overlay 5. Pinwheels 6. Animated pinwheel (Animated) 7. Circle 8. Bubbles (Random) 9. Pinwheel 10. Shapes (Random) 11. Inscribed circle 12. Spirals 13. Nested squares (Random) 14. Nested polygons 15. Many animated pinwheels (Animated) 16. Nested colored squares (Random) 17. Patterns (Animated)
Created August 28, 2020
Last updated August 29, 2020
Published August 28, 2020