Platform Game
12/15 Starting to import costumes and choosing backgrounds for the game. 12/16 Choosing more backgrounds and making blocks that allows movement of the 'hero' 12/17 Importing costumes and fixing movement codes, adding gravity, and space jumps. 12/20 Adding variables, importing more costumes. Added Lives variable, which will count the lives before restting when it hits zero. 12/22 Adding collectable sprites for powerups. The orange one allows for an extra live while the blue one adds to the size of the hero. 12/23 Fixing code. 12/26 Editing the background change code. 12/28 Adding 'When 'Z' is pressed' 1/1 Sometimes the 'When Flag Clicked' commands dont work. Have to click the flag multiple times before all the scripts play properly. 1/3 Fixed 'When Flag Clicked' blocks to function after 'start' is broadcasted when flag is clicked. So not all of the blocks run when flag is clicked. 1/4 Edited 'When 'Z' is pressed' block to broadcast 'start'. 1/4 Adding 'Replay' script after gameover. 1/5 Editing. 1/6 Adding countdown code for argument block and level code for reporting block. 1/8 Finish.
Created December 24, 2021
Last updated January 8, 2022
Published January 8, 2022